Before we deep dive into your idea, we help you give it a more concrete structure by asking you a series of questions, in the form of a questionnaire. This will help us gain a deeper insight and appreciation towards your vision.
Before we deep dive into your idea, we help you give it a more concrete structure by asking you a series of questions, in the form of a questionnaire. This will help us gain a deeper insight and appreciation towards your vision.
For any idea to turn into a vision, it requires careful deliberation and an in-depth understanding of all the various elements involved. A SWOT analysis of your answers after a site visit will help us create a developmental program guided by our expertise and best suited for your needs.
Good design takes time and we pride ourselves in being patient, yet efficient. The project vision comes to life through idea diagrams, along with the creation of a concept plan and master plan to aid in the overall design development of the project.
Think of the design process as the cover and binding of a book, and the construction documents as the story within. This step in the process will help in developing actual drawings including construction details and specifications, which will see the project take shape and how much it will cost.
Once all the boxes have been checked, the project moves to the construction stage. To maintain quality and consistency throughout, constant supervision and regular site visits are ensured along with a review of progress made through each milestone. We make sure our eye for detail doesn’t go unnoticed.
Before the finished project is handed over to you, we make sure that everything is in its right place by conducting a thorough analysis of the construction with the designers and architects involved in the creation of the building. Quality is uncompromisable.
The only constant is change and we know that better than anyone. We help maintain the property for the prospect of future development and expansion for when you need that extra slice of life.